Group #1: Jamie Newman (USA); Guilherme Barcellos (Brazil); Andrés Aizman (Chile); Fernando Rivera (USA); Luiz Rojas Orellana (Chile); Neil Winawer (USA); Esteban Gandara (Canada); Jairo Roa (Colombia)

Group#2 (2010-now): Guilherme Barcellos (Brazil); Jamie Newman (USA); Andrés Aizman (Chile); Daniel Grassi (Argentina); Fernando Rivera (USA); Luiz Rojas Orellana (Chile); Roberto Daniel Martinez (Argentina); Lucas Zambon (Brazil); Neil Winawer (USA); Esteban Gandara (Canada); Fabiana Rolla (Brazil)

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Perioperative Management of the Morbid Obese Children

Obesity is the plague of our days. It takes years of life away in an instant. However, despite the knowledge and awareness of its terrible consequences, it seems that parents are blind to the devastating effects of it.

I presented a workshop on perioperative management of the pediatric patient in Kansas City, at the 2011 Pediatric Hospital Medicine meeting, sponsored by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Society of Hospital Medicine.

A section I focused on, and brought special attention was the management of children with morbid obesity. You can read in further detail here.

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